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Honoring Their Legacy:
Fundraisers for Those Affected by Flight 5342

The figure skating community is mourning the loss of those aboard American Airlines Flight 5342. As we remember those lost, we also recognize the impact on their families, friends, and loved ones. Below are fundraisers providing direct support to those affected.

Community Support & Assistance

Fundraisers Supporting Victims and Their Families

  • Beyer Family Fundraiser – Organized by the Friends of the Beyer Family on behalf of Andrew Beyer to support Brielle Beyer and Justyna Magdalena Beyer.
  • Emily Haynos Fundraiser – Raising funds to help Emily, a 19-year-old nursing student, continue her education and cover immediate living expenses after losing her family on Flight 5342.
  • GoFundMe Verified Fundraisers – A collection of verified fundraisers providing direct support to affected families.
  • Olesya Taylor and Olivia Eve Ter Fundraiser – Raising funds to assist with funeral expenses and provide financial relief for Andrew, Anne Valerie, and Olga.